
Archive for January, 2009

Coffee Sleeve Pattern…

ok folks, i have officially written out my first pattern. i think i got all the little abbreviations right… let me know how it works for you!


Simple Coffee Cup Sleeves:

-chain 30, sl st into first chain to connect
-*(chain one, sc around, connect with a sl st)
-repeat * 4 or 5 times (depending on how long you want it to be)
-**(chain one, sc into first 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc)
-repeat ** around, connect
-repeat * 5 times
-sl st down a round, then sl st into the sides of the last round, all the way around (on the outside, to give it a little ridge)
-tie off securely (machine washable!) and weave ends in

i use lily’s sugar n’ cream 100% cotton yarn and an H hook


above: ha.

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Busy Busy Busy…

i officially caught it again- yarn fever.

ive been trying to think of useful things to do with it, and i came up with what i think is a good one:

i work at a cafe that isnt doing so hot right now (what is?), so to help im going to make and sell crocheted coffee cup sleeves. this will help because

a) cardboard coffee sleeves cost money (a surprising lot of it)

b) ill split whatever i make off them 50/50

c) just another quirky little reason to come in and love this very lovable little cafe

plus theyre 100% cotton, therefore washable and reusable and earth friendly (yay earth!)

i made them up as i went, but some of them are turning out pretty good:


those two above are really simple: single crochet, about halfway up i added a few stitches so itll hug the cup as it gets bigger. at the top, i crocheted into the side near the top (just a slip stitch) to give it a little grippy ridge.

below, only a tiny bit less simple: i alternated single crochet a double crochet:


this next one i tried to get a little too fancy with…


i wanted to use granny squares because i dearly love granny squares and want to find lots of unlikely ways to use them, but it didnt work out very well. too big, too loose… im thinking maybe next time ill make them with one less round and crochet in between them with nice tight single crochet sticthes. that way i can still add stitches, keep it nice n tight and do a ridge around the top…

as i was giving up on that silly blue granny square sleeve, my roommate was talking about how she needed another eye patch for her lazy eye. apparently she needs them when shes on her computer for long periods of time (for example, job hunting and blogging) and generally just tapes her eyelid down with scotch tape. that being no good (although ruthlessly funny), i gave her a cheap halloween costume pirate eye patch a year or two ago. she wore it at her little office job and it makes me smile just thinking about it. it has, however, either fallen apart or been lost since then and she needed another one.

so, grinning, i picked up my hook and worked out this little cutie:


it ties in the back and has a little whirly-do in the middle. i am very pleased with myself. if for no other reason, then helping her to blog with fewer vision-related headaches:


in other news, i made a turtle!


see its cute little tail!


i found the pattern on a blog:


it was really easy and quick (well, i did it in the course of watching braveheart, if you call that quick) and im super excited about all the little ways i can add onto it and modify it. as far as what i screwed up… i definately put the legs too close together at the bottom. i should have put them more towards the outside so it would sit lower and actually stay up (as opposed to falling forward on its little turtle head… which it does. poor turtle.)

it doesnt have eyes yet either… but im working on that. i went to michaels to pick up a few things and they didnt have anything even closely resembling eyes. they had paste-on googly eyes and beads, but no eye beads that you can crochet into. i looked up a blog that i am VERY much a fan of:


i have found many, many adorable patterns on her blog and lots of good ideas and resources. she gave out the website where she gets her eyes (craftbits.co.uk) and i checked it out. not only was it fun to try and translate prices from pounds to dollars, it was very reasonably priced and even shipping wasnt too bad, considering im on another continent. also, did you know in the UK they call googly eyes “joggle eyes”? so fun.

hopefully theyll get here in a week or less, but until then im going to try and busy my itchy fingers with cotton coffee sleeves. otherwise im going to end up with a roly poly blind menagerie… and thats just no good.

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Yarn It Up, Yarnie…

ive been crocheting for years, but just in a double-stich-scarves-maybe-with-stripes kinda way. ive never followed a pattern, read a pattern or attempted anything fancier than a granny square.

the other day i found a pattern book at the bins (yay bins!) and actually attempted to make one of the cute little plush animals on the cover.

after tackling the abbreviations and screwing up once or twice, i came up with a recognizable, if a little funny looking, duck:


i gave him to my roommate, who name him oscar. oscar the duck.


i think he looks downright dapper in his little braidy necktie, not without a sense of humor…

last night, still buzzing on my newfound skill (“skill”), i made a skunk. a purple skunk:


a friend of mine named her dave.

tonight i made the cutest little bunny…


i know, she kinda looks like a puppy…


(sorry about the fuzzy picture…still getting used to my camera)


see! fluffy little tail! definatly a bunny rabbit…



i found the pattern for the bunny on a fabulous blog:


she’s got tons of super cute patterns, including some free ones.

im dying to try one of the patterns in her store- the baby dragon- once i get to the craft store for some eyes and polyfill (ive been stuffing them with fluffy yarn scraps so far…it works, but its not as squishy as id like…)

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I’m backtracking a little… I wanted to share a little bit of december:


paper snowflakes are, in my opinion, highly underrated. as a kid, i would cut about three big triangular chunks out of the paper and unfold a clunky, geometrical snowflake that my mom would hang on the fridge next to the popsicle stick angel. as an adult… well, i have yet to grow up. i spent a few hours at work making 20 or 30 snowflakes (with scissor-handle blisters to prove it) and hanging them up in the windows…


this one was my favorite, due to its resemblance to a paint splatter. it gets a close-up:


another thing about december i love is sugar cookies. the eating of and the making of. most years, i invite some kids over and set up frosting bowls and various xmas shaped sugar cookies, put on some christmas cartoons, and sometimes a little crafty ornament project. this year the kids i invited couldn’t make it, so i invited some big kids (my friends) and it was a blast. i am very pleased with them for humoring me, and i think they had a lot of fun:


i’m no expert in th kitchen, but i found a fantastically easy sugar cookie recipe a few years ago that ive been using. theyre perfect for when you want to glop lots of frosting on top because theyre not overly sweet on their own:


1 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1 Tbsp vanilla

3 cups flour

1/2 tsp baking powder


mix wet ingrediants first, then add baking powder and flour

refrigerate 1 hour (thats what th recipe says, but i dont usually leave it in that long…)

bake 10-12 mins at 350

the icing is super simple, too, but the recipe doesnt make a whole lot. so if youre like me and you want a half dozen different colors to work with, make about 3x this much:


3 cups powdered sugar

1/4 cup milk

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 pinch salt

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Purpose and Intent…


to catalogue my life and activities and interests and opinions in a semi-public way


1) to post anecdotes, photos, recipes, patterns, updates, and directions

2) to maintain something of a constant creative stream in my life and share it

3) to find other people with similar interests, share notions and ideas

*** i apologize in advance for my sporadic use of capitols and punctuation, especially apostrophes

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