
Archive for July, 2011

rat pictures!

i know, world, you were all JUST wondering when i would get around to posting more rat pictures. the answer is today, right now.

in addition to the awesome giant balls the run around in, ramming into tables, couches, shins, and each other like test dummies in bumper cars, my rats also have the much-adored privilege of running around my bedroom (with closet and doors closed) loose. since the hilarity and slapstick-ridiculous greatness of the balls can only really be captured on video, and i cant load those, here are some pictures of oliver and igby (now almost grown!), exploring my bedroom with utter freedom:

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red, stripey hills- as seen from plane window. they reminded me of this cowboys and indians goofy cartoon i watched as a kid- the indians rode their horses around with giant paintbrushes and painted the desert hills in stripes.

this was the “GO pool” at the flamingo, where we stayed. it was like a really lame club (barracuda, for instance, or the dirty), but outdoors and with even less clothing. we paid $40 for 2 margaritas in large pink sippy cups. but hey- it was vegas. i should hve been drinking more, probably.

this is me and donny osmond. i mostly took this picture to make my mom jealous. donny and marie were playing a show at the flamingo called “forever fabulous” and that made me happy. heres brian with marie:

it looks like maybe brian doesnt like marie very much.


eiffel tower, vegas style

new york, vegas style

the brooklyn bridge, brought to you by bud light

inside new york, new york. there was a lot of pizza, and we ate some.

excalibur hotel, with castle turrets and bars inside called sherwood and sword in the stone.

coolest hotel by far: the luxor pyramid. this is the inside of it, totally hollow, with rooms lining the walls.

ancient cities, vegas style

this is an oxygen bar. they were everywhere, im not kidding. wtf?

this was the line for love, the beatles cirque du soleil show. the ushers were all dressed up, too:

this is the ceiling of the venitian. indoors. at night. there were canals, too, with gondolas, lazily circling around a shopping mall.

also the venitian (i think i am maybe spelling that wrong?)

posing in front of the mirage, the hotel where we saw love (the yellow stripes are signs for the show)

this is the other pool at our hotel, the family-friendly one without the bumpin music and booty shaking contests and girls in bikinis and sneakers bringing you drinks. this one had flamingo fountains instead.

the hotel also had actual flamingos on site. i found this to be very appropriate.

and flamingo-like showgirl butts!

this was in the lobby of the bellagio. definitely the fanciest hotel we checked out. the people inside were all either well dressed and older, or well dressed, younger, and foreign. none of our nice, homebred american white trash in tube tops and miller lite tshirts.also, most of the roulette and blackjack tables had ridiculously high minimums and buy-ins.

it did, however, have the very best penny slots. best, because they let me absolutely rob them:

brian is very pleased, posing with my winning printouts. (alas, bags of coins, robin-hood and bank-robber style, are a thing of the past…)

this didnt turn out very well, but its me sandwiched between two mexican elvises. “we work for tips, yes?” i gave them $5, and they were thrilled and offered me change, which makes me think they usually work for singles, out in 100 degree heat all day in a full suit and wig. poor guys.

i took this out our hotel room window- its the flamingo pools

this was our room. it cracked me up, it was such a barbie room. everything was white or pink and those vinyl headboards were just hilarious.

mirrored lights above the beds, as demonstrated by me in my fabulous red sunglasses with my fabulous zebra stripe camera.

this next batch of pictures are all of what remains from the quark bar, the star trek themed bar that used to exist in the hilton and is now a strangely sci-fi shell, filled with blinking penny slots and dinging video poker.  despite that, i still took a buttload of pictures. be forewarned:

i have the strength of an android! go me!

next, we went to circus circus.

its where that scene in fear and loathing was filmed, the one with the indoor circus games and the merry go round bar that hes afraid to step off of. it has changed, sadly (as has everything in vegas, since that movie was shot), and now the merry go round is an arcade on one level and filled with penny slots (a grown up arcade) on the other. its more of a family-friendly circus now. the trapeze net above you is still there, but not in use anymore.


although i did not win you a reggae banana, tabitha, i did take a picture of them for you. i think maybe we both like it better that way 😉

this… this, i wish i had more pictures of. it was wonderful. in the middle is a slowly spinning table covered with cooking pots over a fake fire, complete with moving flames. there were vinyl chickens everywhere, with their legs tied together like a kidnapping victim. you launch them towards the pots with a catapault and a mallot. i cant think of a better game.

brian won be a little blue platypus.

brian was very excited to go to s’lots of fun.

brian, devotedly putting it all on 25


last but not least, without further ado, i give you a brief collection of vegas casino carpets:



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